men of the New Testament

Men of the New Testament

The first-century Jewish world was male-dominated. When we explore the stories of New Testament men through the lens of their context and culture, we glean new insights.

  • Holding onto Faith in the Dark (Part 2)
    How can we maintain our faith when we strain to hear God’s voice and struggle to find his way? Holding onto faith in the dark challenges us. Like Mary’s husband, Joseph, Harry and I struggled to discern God’s direction during a period of uncertainty. Yet, while we awaited his guidance, he was at work. Ultimately, at the right time, he spoke to us and to Joseph—not to reveal his entire plan but to instruct us on the next step.
  • Holding onto Faith in the Dark (Part 1)
    Harry and I faced a dilemma when a church in Hong Kong asked us to consider a pastoral role. In the dark about God’s will, we struggled to hold onto our faith amid our uncertainty. Joseph also grappled with his faith as he faced Mary’s unexpected pregnancy. Both stories highlight faith and the quest for divine direction in challenging times.
  • Paralyzed by the Pandemic ~ How to Find Hope
    Many in our world feel paralyzed by the pandemic. How can we find healing and hope when God doesn’t do what we request or expect?
  • Exile ~ Successful Strategies for Emancipation
    Thanksgiving restrictions imposed by authorities leave some of us feeling as if we’re in exile. Regardless of how we define exile, we long for the end. How can we find freedom?
  • Racial Reconciliation ~ More than Relationships
    Racial Reconciliation ~ More Than Relationships: Whites and non-Whites see the racial divide from different perspectives. Do we need more than interracial relationships to achieve racial reconciliation?
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