Women of the New Testament

Women of the New Testament

Through his ministry, Jesus elevated the status of women. Allowing them to follow and learn from him gave women honor. He even entrusted the news of his resurrection to a woman, someone whose testimony society considered worth half that of a man.

  • How to Reconcile Our Pain with God’s Love
    Mary gave birth to the Messiah, but she also bore shame, heartache, and confusion throughout Jesus’ life. How could she reconcile God’s love with her pain? How can we?
  • Martha & Mary ~ What Is God Saying?
    Many opinions exist about what God is saying in the COVID-19 pandemic.We know God is always speaking. Learn from Martha & Mary how to hear what he’s saying.
  • Mary Magdalene ~ When You’ve Lost Everything
    Like Mary Magdalene, we may fear we’ve lost everything. Jesus met her in her grief, not to help her recapture the past, but to invite her into a new future.
  • Mary and Martha ~ Disappointed in God
    Mary and Martha were disappointed when Jesus didn’t heal their brother. What did they discover when their expectations and experience with God didn’t match?
  • The Widow of Nain ~ Hope for the Hopeless
    Many today fear a hopeless future. With the loss of her only son, the widow of Nain was also devoid of hope. But in crisis, God meets us in unexpected ways.
  • A Bleeding Woman ~ Turning Fear into Faith
    Both the bleeding woman and the desperate father struggled with fear and faith. Discover how they, and we, can turn our fear into faith.
  • Mary ~ Responding to the Unexpected
    When Mary met the unexpected—an angel named Gabriel—her response changed her life and ours. Our response to the unexpected also has a far-reaching impact.
  • Canaanite Woman ~ Facing Barriers or Bridges?
    The Canaanite woman faced barriers in her search for God. Are we setting up barriers or building bridges to help people find Jesus?
  • Samaritan Woman ~ What She Left Behind
    Left behind—it can describe emotions, burdens, plans, possessions, or people. What did the Samaritan woman leave behind and what should we?
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