Men of the Old Testament
Ninety percent of the characters named in the Bible are men. Reading their stories in the context and culture of their time can enable us to understand more of the biblical author’s meaning.
- Hosea ~ Do You Need Aggressive Grace? (Part 2)The story of Kalani illustrates God’s radical forgiveness and aggressive grace. Despite a severe attack and her husband’s murder, Kalani forgave her attacker and continued to pastor her village. Her journey mirrors the prophet Hosea’s commitment to aggressive grace and radical forgiveness, offering a powerful example of overcoming evil with good.
- Hosea ~ Do You Need Aggressive Grace? (Part 1)Kalani, despite surviving a traumatic attack that left her a widow and disabled, returned to her village to continue her husband’s ministry, choosing forgiveness over revenge. Her actions echo the biblical story of Hosea’s radical forgiveness and aggressive grace.
- Shadrach, Meshach, & Abednego ~ How to Choose: Stand Up or Fit InA preview from my upcoming book, Real Faith for a Real World: Turning Trials into Triumphs. What do you think?
- Depression ~ How to Turn Brokenness into BeautyDepression can leave us feeling broken and useless. In Elijah’s story, we can discover steps that lead to healing and allow God to turn our brokenness into beauty.
- Overcoming Depression ~ How to Find Your WayDepression will either define us or refine us. Join Elijah on Mt. Horeb, where he met God. Discover how God’s question to Elijah can direct our steps in overcoming depression.
- Fighting Depression ~ God’s Provision for ElijahGod’s treatment plan for fighting depression begins with rest. But what did that mean for Elijah, and how can it help us?
- Elijah’s Battle with Depression ~ and OursElijah’s battle with depression began after receiving a death threat from Jezebel. How can his story help us when we feel depressed?
- Gideon ~ Overcoming Obstacles to PeaceSurrounded by demonstrations and discontent, the obstacles to peace can seem overwhelming. Gideon and the Israelites also faced desperate circumstances. Learn steps to peace, overcoming what seems overwhelming.
- Joshua ~ Overcoming Unseen EnemiesJoshua faced both seen and unseen enemies in Jericho. His primary enemies were unseen. We too face unseen foes. Discover the key to overcoming your invisible opponents.
- Moses ~ How to Fight Through FearAre you fighting through fear? Moses fought that battle too. Check out his experience and God’s promise. What helped Moses can also help us.
- Jacob ~ How to Win the Big OneThe battle we’re facing is a big one. How can we win against this unexpected foe? As Jacob discovered, God’s help can come in surprising ways.