Women of the Old Testament
Old Testament women drew their identity from the males in their families–their fathers, husbands, or sons. Society expected them to marry and produce sons. Otherwise, their social value was negligible. Yet God recognized their worth and used them to further his purposes.
- Rachel ~ Keys to Increase ContentmentHow can we derail discontent before it derails us? Unlike Jacob’s wife, Rachel, who thought happiness meant having it all, we can discover the keys to increasing our contentment level despite life’s trials.
- Tamar ~ How to Overcome Sexual AssaultInflamed with lust, Tamar’s half-brother sexually assaulted her. Despite her pleas and efforts to seek justice, the king’s daughter lived in disgrace, dismissed by her brother and deserted by her father. A recently translated ancient manuscript expands her story. “Ahoti: A Story of Tamar” explores Tamar’s journey toward healing. Through his Word and Spirit, God offers overcoming hope to those who have suffered abuse. Find the steps to overcome sexual assault.
- For Such a Time as This ~ Why Me? Why This? Why Now?What does God want us to do in this place at this time? He has a purpose and has placed us where we are for such a time as this. Read to discover what we can do to promote healing.
- The Shunammite Woman ~ Making Room for GodBy making room for God in her heart and home, the Shunammite woman discovered God’s grace and provision. What difference does he want to make in our lives?
- Widow of Zarephath ~ The Gift of EnoughThe widow of Zarephath expected she and her son would starve after their next meal. Then Elijah introduced her to the One Who Is Enough. Do you know him?
- Naomi ~ When You’ve Lost GodWhen life caves in, even Christians can feel they’ve lost God. Naomi blamed God for her losses. Learn the five steps she took to rediscover his presence.
- Rahab ~ Guidelines for Making Godly ChoicesWe make choices every day about which god to follow—the gods of our culture or the One True God. What can we learn from Rahab about how to choose wisely?
- Job’s Wife ~ Tragedy: Asking God, “Why?”How do you respond when tragedy strikes? The first question many ask is, “Why?” Job’s wife also questioned. Discover how God can help.
- Deborah ~ Courage to Leave Our Comfort ZonesComfort zones can become cages. Stepping out requires courage but positions us to be difference-makers. Discover how God used Deborah to make a difference.
- Hebrew Midwives ~ Choosing Faith over FearIn uncertain times, we may be overcome with anxiety. What does your fear reveal about your faith? Learn how the Hebrew midwives faced fear with faith.
- Leah ~ How to Break Free of BitternessBitterness bonds us to our pain and our past. Like us, Leah had opportunities to choose bitterness. Learn God’s way to break free.
- Rebekah ~ Is It Ever Right to Do Wrong?Different cultures define right and wrong differently. Was Rebekah right or wrong to help Jacob get Isaac’s blessing? How can we make the best choice?
- Sarah ~ Why Does God Make Us Wait?Why does God make us wait? Sarah spent 25 years in God’s waiting room as God prepared her for his plan. But she wasn’t the only one who needed preparation.
- Bathsheba ~ Broken: Picking up the PiecesAnother person’s decision can break our lives apart in an instant. Learn from Bathsheba how God can turn broken pieces into masterpieces?
- Hannah ~ Why Is God Sometimes Silent?Most praying people have experienced God’s silence as Hannah did. What is he saying in his silence? Is he listening for something in us?
- Tamar ~ How Should We Respond to Injustice?Injustice can be global or personal, public or private, but our response is always personal. Learn from Tamar how to respond to injustice with righteousness.
- Hagar ~ From Invisible to VisibleOne who feels invisible has no face, no honor; she thinks no one cares about her feelings, thoughts, or dreams. Learn from Hagar how God makes us visible.
- Eve ~ Recovering What We Lost in the GardenEve lost intimate fellowship with God… and what else? A spirit of cooperation and companionship turned into competition. How can we recover what we lost?