Following Jesus - footprints in sand

Following Jesus

Jesus’ initial call to his disciples is the same as his invitation to us: “Follow me.” As Jesus-followers, we’re to partner with him in bringing God’s kingdom to life in our world. How? By loving one another as he has loved us (John 13:34). Although the command is simple, living it out is challenging.

  • What to Do with Doubt
    Can a person wrestle with doubt and still hold onto faith? Definitely. Many believers experience times of uncertainty. Thomas shows us what to do during those seasons. If we allow our unanswered questions to push us toward the One who knows all the answers, times of doubt can become times of growth.
  • Keys to Increase Contentment
    How can we derail discontent before it derails us? Unlike Jacob’s wife, Rachel, who thought happiness meant having it all, we can discover the keys to increasing our contentment level despite life’s trials.
  • Holding onto Faith in the Dark (Part 2)
    How can we maintain our faith when we strain to hear God’s voice and struggle to find his way? Holding onto faith in the dark challenges us. Like Mary’s husband, Joseph, Harry and I struggled to discern God’s direction during a period of uncertainty. Yet, while we awaited his guidance, he was at work. Ultimately, at the right time, he spoke to us and to Joseph—not to reveal his entire plan but to instruct us on the next step.
  • Holding onto Faith in the Dark (Part 1)
    Harry and I faced a dilemma when a church in Hong Kong asked us to consider a pastoral role. In the dark about God’s will, we struggled to hold onto our faith amid our uncertainty. Joseph also grappled with his faith as he faced Mary’s unexpected pregnancy. Both stories highlight faith and the quest for divine direction in challenging times.
  • The Key to Survival
    The Bahrain Tree of Life, thriving in the desert with no clear water source, parallels the resilience of persecuted Christians who flourish against adversity. Scientists speculate an underground water supply sustains the tree, symbolizing Christians’ unseen spiritual sustenance. The tree inspires believers to live by faith and rely on Jesus’ support and strength.
  • Do You Need Aggressive Grace? (Part 2)
    The story of Kalani illustrates God’s radical forgiveness and aggressive grace. Despite a severe attack and her husband’s murder, Kalani forgave her attacker and continued to pastor her village. Her journey mirrors the prophet Hosea’s commitment to aggressive grace and radical forgiveness, offering a powerful example of overcoming evil with good.
  • Do You Need Aggressive Grace? (Part 1)
    Kalani, despite surviving a traumatic attack that left her a widow and disabled, returned to her village to continue her husband’s ministry, choosing forgiveness over revenge. Her actions echo the biblical story of Hosea’s radical forgiveness and aggressive grace.
  • How to Reverse Spiritual Burnout ~ Part Two
    Spiritual burnout becomes a real possibility when we allow busyness, even busyness for God, to replace time spent with him. How can we reverse it?
  • How to Reverse Spiritual Burnout ~ Part One
    Life’s overwhelming demands may lead to an empty heart and an evaporating sense of God’s presence. What then? Jesus sees our desperation and offers to reverse spiritual burnout by refilling our souls with his life-giving joy.
  • When God Doesn’t Meet Our Expectations (Part 2)
    Pilate’s Passover entry into Jerusalem offers a competing vision and strategy for victory when God doesn’t meet our expectations. Will you follow Jesus or Pilate?
  • When God Doesn’t Meet Our Expectations (Part 1)
    We beg God for answers, but his responses either confuse or seem nonexistent. What should we do when God doesn’t meet our expectations?
  • How to Reconcile Our Pain with God’s Love
    Mary gave birth to the Messiah, but she also bore shame, heartache, and confusion throughout Jesus’ life. How could she reconcile God’s love with her pain? How can we?
  • How to Understand God’s Question: “Where Are You?”
    A new year allows us to start over. God challenges us to use this season to question our priorities, activities, and relationships and align our primary concerns with his. We begin by considering his first question to Adam: “Where are you?” He also asks us–not where we are physically but where we are spiritually. How will you answer?
  • How to Tell Time God’s Way
    Why must we wait for answers to our prayers? Is God’s way of telling time different from ours?
  • How to Choose: Stand Up or Fit In
    “When Forced to Choose” ~ a preview from my upcoming hybrid devotional/Bible study book, Where Is God When I Hurt? What do you think?
  • Discovering the One Who’s Hidden in Plain Sight
    Sometimes what we think we’ve lost is hidden in plain sight. Maybe our inability to see God isn’t because he’s invisible but because our presumptions limit our perception. What then?
  • Change ~ How to Become More Like Jesus
    Did you make New Year’s resolutions? Which areas of your life do you hope to change, and how will you make that happen? Did you include becoming more like Jesus this year? Read about a change that can help you move toward that goal.
  • How to Experience the Excitement of the Shepherds
    Has Christmas become an endless list of errands and events that leave you exhausted? Is it possible to rekindle our joy and rediscover the excitement of the first witnesses? When we follow the steps of the shepherds, we can experience their excitement.
  • How to Rejoice When Life Drains Our Joy
    The Bible tells us to rejoice always. But how can we do that when life runs roughshod over us? How can we be both faithful and real?
  • Is Peace Possible?
    Regardless of political persuasion, most of us lament the current polarization in our country. Is peace possible? Will you be a purveyor of peace?
  • How to Win the War Against Worry
    Despite knowing worry brings neither peace nor results, many succumb to the temptation. Discover steps to win the war against worry.
  • Searching for Signs of Hope
    The pandemic has driven many to consider Christ. Are we searching for a manageable Messiah or One whose word and wisdom we can trust?
  • How to Navigate an Uncertain Future
    With the pandemic, political changes, and personal crises, we face an uncertain future. How can we navigate to better days?
  • Paralyzed by the Pandemic ~ How to Find Hope
    Many in our world feel paralyzed by the pandemic. How can we find healing and hope when God doesn’t do what we request or expect?
  • Exile ~ Successful Strategies for Emancipation
    Thanksgiving restrictions imposed by authorities leave some of us feeling as if we’re in exile. Regardless of how we define exile, we long for the end. How can we find freedom?
  • How to Eliminate Our Enemies
    Enemies: we may have them even if we don’t want them. Jesus told us to love them. But how and why? Can’t we just eliminate them?
  • How to Avoid Asking the Wrong Question
    When I face difficulties, I often ask what I should learn. But what if that’s not the point? Maybe the challenges we encounter aren’t meant to teach us but to make us.
  • Changing Cultures ~ From One Extreme to Another
    Is the US changing cultures, exchanging one extreme for another? From hyper-individualism to toxic tribalism. How should believers respond?
  • 4 Steps to Redeem the Culture War
    The US is witnessing a cultural shift that feels like a culture war. How should Christians respond? Discover 4 steps to redeem the opportunity.
  • Depression ~ How to Turn Brokenness into Beauty
    Depression can leave us feeling broken and useless. In Elijah’s story, we can discover steps that lead to healing and allow God to turn our brokenness into beauty.
  • Overcoming Depression ~ How to Find Your Way
    Depression will either define us or refine us. Join Elijah on Mt. Horeb, where he met God. Discover how God’s question to Elijah can direct our steps in overcoming depression.
  • Fighting Depression ~ God’s Provision for Elijah
    God’s treatment plan for fighting depression begins with rest. But what did that mean for Elijah, and how can it help us?
  • Elijah’s Battle with Depression ~ and Ours
    Elijah’s battle with depression began after receiving a death threat from Jezebel. How can his story help us when we feel depressed?
  • Racial Reconciliation ~ More than Relationships
    Racial Reconciliation ~ More Than Relationships: Whites and non-Whites see the racial divide from different perspectives. Do we need more than interracial relationships to achieve racial reconciliation?
  • For Such a Time as This ~ Why Me? Why This? Why Now?
    What does God want us to do in this place at this time? He has a purpose and has placed us where we are for such a time as this. Read to discover what we can do to promote healing.
  • Anger: Is Mine Righteous?
    Anger may be America’s favorite sport. Long-term conflicts have risen to the surface, resulting in rage. Some defend their wrath, calling it “righteous anger.” Can we be righteous and angry at the same time? Click the link to discover what the Bible says.
  • Where’s the Good?
    Do you wonder how anything good can come from the pandemonium we’re experiencing? The Bible promises God can bring good from everything, but how?
  • Gideon ~ Overcoming Obstacles to Peace
    Surrounded by demonstrations and discontent, the obstacles to peace can seem overwhelming. Gideon and the Israelites also faced desperate circumstances. Learn steps to peace, overcoming what seems overwhelming.
  • What Does God Want?
    God desires justice and mercy. How can we do both? Aren’t they opposites? How should God’s followers respond to injustice and protests?
  • Joshua ~ Overcoming Unseen Enemies
    Joshua faced both seen and unseen enemies in Jericho. His primary enemies were unseen. We too face unseen foes. Discover the key to overcoming your invisible opponents.
  • Moses ~ How to Fight through Fear
    Are you fighting through fear? Moses fought that battle too. Check out his experience and God’s promise. What helped Moses can also help us.
  • Jacob ~ How to Win the Big One
    The battle we’re facing is a big one. How can we win against this unexpected foe? As Jacob discovered, God’s help can come in surprising ways.
  • Martha & Mary ~ What Is God Saying?
    Many opinions exist about what God is saying in the COVID-19 pandemic.We know God is always speaking. Learn from Martha & Mary how to hear what he’s saying.
  • The Shunammite Woman ~ Making Room for God
    By making room for God in her heart and home, the Shunammite woman discovered God’s grace and provision. What difference does he want to make in our lives?
  • Widow of Zarephath ~ The Gift of Enough
    The widow of Zarephath expected she and her son would starve after their next meal. Then Elijah introduced her to the One Who Is Enough. Do you know him?
  • Mary Magdalene ~ When You’ve Lost Everything
    Like Mary Magdalene, we may fear we’ve lost everything. Jesus met her in her grief, not to help her recapture the past, but to invite her into a new future.
  • Mary and Martha ~ Disappointed in God
    Mary and Martha were disappointed when Jesus didn’t heal their brother. What did they discover when their expectations and experience with God didn’t match?
  • The Widow of Nain ~ Hope for the Hopeless
    Many today fear a hopeless future. With the loss of her only son, the widow of Nain was also devoid of hope. But in crisis, God meets us in unexpected ways.
  • A Bleeding Woman ~ Turning Fear into Faith
    Both the bleeding woman and the desperate father struggled with fear and faith. Discover how they, and we, can turn our fear into faith.
  • Naomi ~ When You’ve Lost God
    When life caves in, even Christians can feel they’ve lost God. Naomi blamed God for her losses. Learn the five steps she took to rediscover his presence.
  • Rahab ~ Guidelines for Making Godly Choices
    We make choices every day about which god to follow—the gods of our culture or the One True God. What can we learn from Rahab about how to choose wisely?
  • Job’s Wife ~ Tragedy: Asking God, “Why?”
    How do you respond when tragedy strikes? The first question many ask is, “Why?” Job’s wife also questioned. Discover how God can help.
  • Deborah ~ Courage to Leave Our Comfort Zones
    Comfort zones can become cages. Stepping out requires courage but positions us to be difference-makers. Discover how God used Deborah to make a difference.
  • Hebrew Midwives ~ Choosing Faith over Fear
    In uncertain times, we may be overcome with anxiety. What does your fear reveal about your faith? Learn how the Hebrew midwives faced fear with faith.
  • Leah ~ How to Break Free of Bitterness
    Bitterness bonds us to our pain and our past. Like us, Leah had opportunities to choose bitterness. Learn God’s way to break free.
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